Aitken Spence among the Top 10 Most Admired Companies of Sri Lanka (2) - Aitken Spence


Singapore Airlines Colombo Airport Team crowned a winner at the CEO Service Excellence Awards 2023

For the first time, the Singapore Airlines Colombo Airport Team won the ‘Soaring Team’ award by the Singapore Airlines HQ that was recently held at Shangri-La in Singapore. The award was presented by Mr. Goh Choon Phong, CEO of Singapore Airlines. The award was to recognise the outstanding members of the team that prioritised customer care without compromise, showed exemplary teamwork and strong resilience in spite of tumultuous circumstances.

Sri Lanka faced a series of unprecedented crises in 2022 and through this turbulent period, the SIA Colombo team remained 100% operational. The team demonstrated great dedication and grit in ensuring that Singapore Airlines’ flights continued and smooth flight operations. One of their achievements was handling 175 flights without significant delays during the country’s crisis, showcasing the dedication and hard work of the SIA Colombo team.

In the opening address of Mr. Goh Choon Phong, CEO of Singapore Airlines, he mentioned, “Please continue to inspire others to achieve these high standards of service innovation, teamwork, and leadership, so we may continue to Soar As One”.

Singapore Airlines Colombo team is honoured to have been recognised as one of the service champions and will continue in its unwavering commitment to underscore the unique SIA spirit and service culture.

Mr. Goh Choon Phong, CEO Singapore Airlines with the award recipient Ms. Dilrukshi Kudaliyanage – General Manager Operations & Administration, Aitken Spence Aviation (Pvt) Ltd, (GSA for Singapore Airlines) accepting the Team Award along with an Airport staff on behalf of the SIA Colombo Airport Team.

Colombo Airport Team with Managing Director Aitken Spence Aviation (Pvt) Ltd Mr Vasantha Kudaliyanage, General Manager Sri Lanka Mr Zachary Liew, Station Manager Mr Kieman Tan & Ms Dilrukshi Kudaliyanage with the Airport Team.