With 13 estates and 17 factories in the low, central and up country regions across Sri Lanka covering a landmass of over 8800 hectares, our subsidiary Elpitiya Plantations produces top grade tea, rubber, coconut, cinnamon and oil palm crops as its core business. Having mastered the mix of land, skilled labor and innovative technologies, we now apply agriculture intelligence across our plantation businesses.
While enhancing the wellbeing of our communities, we continue to explore expansion opportunities through commercial forestry, crop diversification, forward integration, horticulture, renewable power generation and the development of adventure and ecotourism across our estates.

Community Engagement
Supporting a workforce of 5,000 people based across 13 estates, Aitken Spence implements a host of educational, healthcare, infrastructure development and social welfare projects to create impactful, sustainable change.
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Diversification strategy
We actively pursue a diversification strategy to broad base our revenue streams in plantations. This includes crop diversification, development of ecotourism, palm oil processing and green energy.
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Renewable Energy
Committed to preserving the biodiversity in our estates, we optimize natural resource utilization, operating three mini hydropower stations generating 4460kW in total, and solar power plants commissioned for construction.
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