Please rate the following areas (where applicable) on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is the lowest to 5 being the highest
1. Business Development
a. Quality and presentation of the Annual Report
b. Usefulness of the information in the interim Financial Statements
c. Likelihood of the financial information in the Annual Report to influence investment decisions
d. Likelihood of the environmental information in the Annual Report to influence investment decisions
e. Likelihood of the social information in the Annual Report to influence investment decisions
f. Satisfaction with the risk management strategies of the Company
2. Corporate Communication
a. Quality of Group communications appearing in traditional media (newspapers, radio, television).
b. Quality of Group communications appearing in emerging and new media (social media, web).
c. Satisfaction with the frequency and volume of Group communications appearing in mass media channels (newspapers, radio, television)
d. Accessibility and availability of information related to the Group in mass media channels
e. Quality of service and information provided at stakeholder contact channels (web, general line, front office / reception)
f. Satisfaction with the contact channels available for queries and feedback
3. Human Resources
a. Satisfaction with the conduct of Group employees
b. Competency of Group employees based on your recent interactions
c. Access to HR related information
4. Sustainability
a. Satisfaction with the strategies developed for economic sustainability
b. Satisfaction with the commitment of the Group towards environmental conservation
c. Satisfaction with the commitment of the Group towards social empowerment and community development
d. Ethical conduct of the Group in business activities
Please tick more than one where applicable:
5. What areas of the following business activities are you interested in receiving more information regarding via Group communications?
a. Sustainability initiatives
d. New business initiatives
6. What channels of communication are preferred when receiving Group related information?
7. Out of the following, what areas of sustainability do you feel Aitken Spence Group should focus more on?
f. GHG emission reduction
h. Infrastructure development